How Genes May Thwart Seniors’ Exercise Gains

This insight could be used to develop more effective, individualized, and senior-friendly exercise recommendations for improving physical function and preventing in disability. p90X3 results Older adults: Build muscle and you’ll live longer New University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA) research suggests that the more muscle mass older Americans have, the less likely they are to die prematurely. The findings add to the growing evidence that overall body composition and not the widely used body mass index, or BMI is a better predictor of all-cause mortality. You can check out the abstract of the study, ” Muscle Mass Index as a Predictor of Longevity in Older-Adults .” The study, published in the American Journal of Medicine , is the culmination of previous UCLA research led by Dr.
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Vigorous exercise ‘cuts chance of flu’ by around 10%

The Gallup-Healthways poll showed 67.8 percent of Green Mountineers ate five or more servings of vegetables on four or more days, ahead of every other state. More than six in ten residents of Montana, Washington, Oregon, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming ate their leafy greens and veggies regularly, too. Fewer than 54 percent of residents of Oklahoma, Louisiana and Missouri said they ate their vegetables regularly, representing the bottom of the pack. Blue states tend to be more vegetable-friendly: In 2012, President Obama won six of the 10 states where vegetable consumption is highest (Montana, Wyoming, Arizona and Alaska voted red but ate green).
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The United States of Exercise: Keep it up, Vermont


‘77% of flu infections’ had no symptoms, say experts Over three quarters of flu infections contracted last year did not have any symptoms, researchers found. Most of the infections (77%) didn’t have any symptoms despite one in five people contracting either seasonal flu and the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Researchers found that on average, 18% of people who had not received a flu jab were infected with flu each season. And only 17% of those infected felt ill enough to visit their GP. Over the winter flu season, 4.7% of people were believed to have flu compared to 6% the previous year.
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